Richardson Carpet Care

Have you ever stopped to think about what is in your carpet? What is in the air you are breathing in every single day?

Check out the video below to see what comes out of a carpet that I use my portable machine on in a main building in downtown Peoria area. This carpet is cleaned four times per year. Yes, FOUR TIMES. Once every 90 days. And it’s still this dirty…


When Mike empties his portable machine, the water looks like and is almost the consistency of used motor oil.

When people gather for work and are in close quarters with each other, the area will get dusty and dirty faster. This is because of shedding. Most indoor dust is from either humans or animals.

Think of your carpet floors as filters that need vacuumed every night and hot water extracted on a regular basis.  Just doing these two things will greatly improve your indoor living quality of life. When indoor environment is clean, people enjoy less allergy symptoms, they’re happier, healthier and more productive.

When you hire Richardson Carpet Care to clean for you, you know the cleaning process is performed correctly.

What are you waiting for? Call Richardson Carpet Care at 309-243-8855 today.
Monday-Friday: 8 AM – 8 PM
Saturday: 8 AM – 6 PM
Sunday: Closed